How to Reduce the Carbon Impact of Professional Events?

Making events more environmentally friendly is a necessity that organizers can no longer ignore. Here are some concrete solutions to reduce CO2 production.

Hosting a large business event can result in a significant carbon footprint, which can negatively impact the reputation of the company or organization. However, there are steps that event organizers can take to reduce the carbon impact of their event. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective strategies for reducing the carbon impact of large business events.

In the context of a physical event

Plan your event wisely

Planning is the key to reducing the carbon footprint of your event. Choose an event location that is easily accessible by public transportation or carpooling, and has a green waste management system. Also plan event logistics to reduce the amount of travel required.

Use renewable energy sources

Business events often require a lot of energy, which can have a significant impact on the environment. To reduce this impact, use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or hydroelectric power to power the event.

Avoid plastic waste

Plastic waste is a major problem for the environment. To reduce plastic use, avoid plastic water bottles and encourage participants to bring their own reusable water bottle. Also avoid the use of disposable plastic cutlery, plates and cups, and use reusable or compostable alternatives instead.

Offer sustainable catering options

Food and beverages can also have an impact on your event's carbon footprint. To reduce this impact, offer sustainable catering options, such as organic, local and seasonal foods. Also avoid disposable food packaging and opt for reusable or compostable alternatives instead.

Educate attendees

Finally, educate attendees about the event's carbon impact and encourage them to take steps to reduce their own carbon footprint. Offer green transportation options, such as carpooling or public transportation, and encourage attendees to bring their own reusable water bottle and bag.

By following these strategies, you can significantly reduce the carbon impact of your business event. This will not only help protect the environment, but it will also enhance your company or organization's reputation for sustainability.

If you want to take it a step further, you should implement your event in a virtual or hybrid format.

The incredible environmental benefits of virtual or hybrid events

Hosting a virtual event can result in several significant environmental gains over an in-person event, including :

  1. Reduced carbon footprint : Virtual events significantly reduce carbon footprints by avoiding travel, lodging and commuting. According to a study conducted by MeetGreen, a virtual event can reduce the carbon footprint by 99% compared to an in-person event.

  2. Less waste : Virtual events do not require the production of physical promotional materials such as brochures, posters and gift bags, which reduces the amount of waste produced. Virtual events can also reduce food waste, as there are no meals or beverages to provide.

  3. Reduced water consumption : Virtual events also reduce water consumption because there is no need to clean exhibit areas or restrooms.

  4. Reduced energy consumption : Virtual events require less energy consumption, as there is no need for air conditioning or heating for the exhibit halls, or lights for the exhibit booths.

All in all, virtual events are a more environmentally friendly alternative to in-person events, as they reduce greenhouse gas emissions, trash, water and energy consumption. These environmental benefits can help event organizers improve their sustainability image and meet the growing expectations of attendees and stakeholders for environmental responsibility.

The cost of virtual exhibitions, which was still a dissuasive factor a few months ago, is no longer a reason to reject virtual or hybrid event projects. There are even virtual event platforms like Ultiplace, which allow you to organize virtual or hybrid events without spending any money.

In these conditions, organizers have every interest in integrating the virtual into their strategies.

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